Thousand and One Nights directed by Nao Kubota, music by Yasuaki Shimizu, now available on Blu-Ray and DVD.
昨秋、第27回 釜山国際映画祭にて、革新性が高いと認めた作品を称える国際映画批評家連盟賞(FIPRESCI賞)受賞。第45回 山路ふみ子映画賞では作品賞を受賞しました。
In a scenic port town on a remote northern island, a beloved husband abruptly disappears, for no obvious reason... Thousand and One Nights is the story of one woman's agony, resilience and fragility as she awaits her husband’s return. Prolific documentary maker Nao Kubota's inspiration for this drama set on Sado Island, with original screenplay by Kenji Aoki, came from Japan's missing persons list. Delayed by Covid, the film took eight years to complete, and last autumn was honored with a FIPRESCI (Fédération Internationale de la Presse Cinématographique) award for innovative filmmaking at the 27th Busan International Film Festival. It also won best picture at the 45th Fumiko Yamaji Awards.
Shimizu's saxophone punctuates the space, dot-like, sending ripples through the island of Sado, and the interwoven hearts of the characters.
Shimizu said he felt inspired as soon as he read the script, and found himself physically "automatically in sync with the film."