Episode 1 of NHK drama series Owakare Hospital, with soundtrack by Yasuaki Shimizu, airing 3 February (Sat) 10pm
療養病棟に勤める看護師の目を通し、誰にでも必ず訪れる最期を迎える患者たちの様々な ”死と人生”を描く。家族の想い、患者の意思、限りある生のかたちに真正面から向き合った作品です
2月3日 毎週土曜 22:00 NHK総合
Owakare Hospital portrays the "deaths and lives" of patients in the end-of-life stage of universal human experience, through the eyes of a nurse working on the terminal ward, and engages directly with the feelings of families, musings of patients, and limited nature of life.
"It was wonderful to again work alongside the production team from 2018's Tomei na Yurikago (An Invisible Cradle). I too look forward to tuning in and seeing how my minute particles of sound, sound in this drama." (YS)
Broadcasts (4 episodes): Saturdays 3–24 February, 10pm on NHK-G