Drama Ryuko Kanbo, scored by Yasuaki Shimizu, on air over two Saturdays 27 March and 10 April from 9pm, on NHK.
録音風景の動画 https://fb.watch/4k0-cM7f1o/
3月27日(土)21:00 NHK BS4K
4月10日(土)21:00 NHK BSプレミアム
Based on the short story by Shiga Nagoya, Ryuko Kanbo (Influenza) is set during the Spanish flu pandemic that in 1918 spread sickness and fear across the world. The story shows the author’s collapsing faith in his fellow humans as the disease takes hold, before a dramatic turning point.
Watch the video of the recording session
27 March (Sat) 9pm NHK BS4K
10 April (Sat) 9pm NHK BS Premium